Outplacement Process
What is Outplacement?
​A lot of people don't understand what outplacement is. Outplacement is a service which the company provides an employee who is leaving the company. Outplacement allows a transitioning employee to learn how to manage and develop one's career.
People in today’s market have to think more broadly than ever about their careers and skills. At FPC, we teach people how to do this and prepare & market themselves into new job opportunities.
Why should a Company offer Outplacement?
Moral Obligation
A company has a moral obligation to find transition paths.
Investing in transitioning employees means a employees receives a soft landing. People need real-support & specific Industry related advice, which FPC provides, not generic webinars and tutorials.
Social Media
The world is watching - in this social media-driven era, news travels fast. And it doesn’t even have to be true to be believed. Bitter employees can vent unfettered - FPC works with people one on one on how to stay positive during the transition process.
Company Brand
Company brand - Company employees & ex-employees are a company’s best public relations - FPC works with employees on how to show gratitude & actively directs the individual towards a new job.
Employee Loyalty
An increase in loyalty and satisfaction from remaining employees - as employees see transitioned employees receiving ongoing support from FPC in their job search.
Maintains a good reputation for an organization on how they handled a difficult situation - increases trust in the organization as they see transitioned employees receive direction & support from FPC.
Why work with FPC in Outplacement?
Our Recruiters deliver the Outplacement program. Our Recruiters are in the front-line of filling jobs with employers in Medical Device, Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical, Consumer Electronics, Automotive, Specialized Manufacturing & other Industries in the US and Globally.
Our Outplacement program is very specific. It is designed for Professionals & Executives in industries & disciplines, not generic webinars and tutorials.
People need a flexible, individually tailored service that rapidly reconnects them to their chosen career path which we deliver.
People need access to accurate, up-to-date and in-depth industry expertise.
Our reputation as a well respected executive search and outplacement firm comprising of over 65 independently owned and operated offices serving more than 40 industries and 40 disciplines.
We are large enough to provide nationwide impact yet remain small enough to be personal, flexible and responsive to all its constituent groups.
We're High-Touch & High-Tech:
We are old-fashioned when it comes to personal contact, but there's nothing old about our technology. We've invested years in building the field's best proprietary human resources technology to support both our client companies and their transitioning employees. We support our relationships with state-of-the-art technology that offers firms and individuals in our programs the best technical support available.
Each of our Outplacement Programs include:
Step 1: Exit strategy
Step 2: Career Assessment
Step 3: Resume Development
Step 4: Building a Marketing Plan
Step 5: Candidate Interviewing, Negotiation & the Art of Closing the Deal
Our programs include candidate support of up to 12 months & Much more.
Contact us at FPC to learn more details about our Outplacement program